During the epidemic, the app became the most downloaded app in Europe, South America, and the United States. However, although Instagram is outperforming TikTok in this category, Meta’s other program, Facebook, is not doing very well. Despite criticisms from users who want to see more of their friends’ videos and photos Instagram has been quietly altering its algorithm and feed to favour creator content, suggested posts, and advertising. However, since Instagram adjusts how content is ranked in its main feed, some artists are concerned that the continual adjustments would have a detrimental influence on their reach. “TikTok is gaining traction for influencer marketing, but it is still far behind Instagram in terms of budget or marketer acceptance.”

Marketers may also prefer partnering with smaller creators for a variety of reasons, including lower rates, but greater interaction rates on their postings. They may also be less likely to have their view counts artificially increased through the use of phoney views or bots. TikTok, for what it’s worth, is frequently accused of inflating view counts and is known to have lower boundaries for what qualifies as a view for marketing purposes.