A Pakistani Firm ‘RNS Solutions’ to Develop Block-Chain Based Platform For IsDB

The FinLit platform can be considered as an all-in-one package that assists in understanding complex financial and investment terms and related stuff. Furthermore, the platform is based on the idea of “providing financial education and information to younger generations.” The FinLit platform will come with an interactive financial learning management system with AI-capable chatbot support systems. Under this new platform, users will be able to take part in a number of discussions, using the AI-based chatbot. More precisely, the chatbot will render context, answers, and other similar information for an efficient learning experience.   On this behalf, the Chairman of RNS Solutions, Dr. Shakil Muhammad said, Simultaneously, the CEO of Trustedchain, Dr. Mohammad Alqarni elaborated that the new platform “includes a detailed learning tracking system that will guide the user through setting up goals, enrolling in courses, and advancing in their own financial literacy”. Check out? YouTube will soon Ban alcohol, gambling & politics from its Masthead slot