3rd Mobile Commerce & Digital Banking Summit held in Karachi

Updates on emerging technologies, e-commerce, e-education, Internet-of-Things (IoT), start-ups and social impact of entrepreneurship were highlighted. The main topics of discussion included:

Regulatory Technolgoy ICT enterpreneurship Social Impact

The annual summit of key stakeholders from Pakistan’s Telecom Sector, Banking and Financial Industry, e-Commerce, IT, Academia and Social sector attended the event. Among 15 eminent speakers, experts and panelists, Dr Syed Ismail Shah, Chairmen PTA also joined the conference to discuss about Regulatory and IoTs. Dr Syed Ismail Shah discussed the future scope of IoTs, smart cities and the role of Pakistan’s mobile operators in this regard. He said that IT and Telecom development are the top priority of the government due to its essential role in overall progress of a country in today’s world. He also mentioned the number of initiatives MoITT has taken in the recent past to accelerate the IT growth in Pakistan.

Dr. Ismail Shah said that: The conference took a wider view of mobile payments ecosystem, disrupters and pioneers of the market. Commerce & Digital Banking Summit addressed key topics facing major banks and retailers in achieving adoption and driving engagement through mobile apps. Also Read: Telenor Pakistan Conducts Round Table Workshop on IoT and Key Factors Promoting the Growth of e-Commerce

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